Getting Started

This guide will walk you though the process of creating an agent for the competition

Download the sample agent

The sample agent helps you get started quickly, download it from the competition website.

Download zip from homepage

The 'download starter package' button will download the latest starter package.

Extract the zip

Extract the zip file into a directory of your chosing. It's recommended to place it in an empty directory.

Open The Project

The project you have downloaded uses Maven, this section will show you how to open a maven project in Intellij

Click open from the file menu

Use the standard open option from the file menu in intellij.

Navigate to the agent and select the pom

Use the dialog to find the project.

important: You must select the pom.xml file not the folder. Selecting the folder will create an intellij project rather than a maven one, which will not download the dependencies required by the submission.

Click 'open as project'

Find the sample agent

The sample package contains some sample agents, a random player and a rule-based agent. App can be used to test your submission before submitting.

Rename Agent

The class name should match your agent name on Comet. This part shows you how to rename it in intellij.

Right click the agent

Right click on the agent name, find refactor on the menu and then click rename on the menu that appears from that. You can also select the class and use the Shift+F6 shortcut.

Type the new name in the box

Type the agent name you entered on Comet in the box. You should also rename the package to match your username (although this is not required for your agent to run).

If prompted, click do refactor

The agent name is used as a String in, intellij may prompt you to rename this occourance as well. Click do refactor.

Now you're all set up you can start writing your agent.

Writing your agent